Scary ghost of Christmas future.
Clever Narrators.
The gorgeous ghost of Christmas past.
What a cheeky smile.
Roll On Christmas.
I think that Scrooge, is a terrible scrooge.
NO coal! I hate Christmas.
Counting his money.
I love my Uncle Scrooge.
Come on Scrooge don't be mean.
I hate YOU!
Please, can I have just a small piece of coal.
Praying Scrooge can change.
What a smile.
We could be mischievous..
We're enjoying this.
All I want for Christmas.
You will, listen to me Scrooge.
You have time to change.
Mr Fizzwig desperate for a party.
What a voice.
Ghost Posy.
A young Scrooge and his beautiful girlfriend.
A cool dude.
LISTEN UP Scrooge.
Let me tell you my joke.
I'll have the same as everyone else.
You see Scrooge.
Silent Night.
I was made for this roll.
That Scrooge is seriously mean.
What a pair of party goers.