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Primary School

Learning to bee the best that we can bee!

Our PTA needs Your Help!

We had a successful PTA meeting on Wednesday 2 th September. Three new parents have decide to join the committee which is marvellous. However, we thought it would be a great idea to gather a bank of parent volunteers who don’t want to be on the committee but are always happy to help at events. If you are one of those wonderful parents, PLEASE can you let the school office know and they will pop you on the volunteer list!!! 

Below we have outlined future PTA events for the Autumn Term. We hope to see lots of parents and children at these events. This year the PTA are continuing to raise money towards improving our school library facilities.
December 6th CHRISTMAS FETE - During school hours
December 12th CHRISTMAS SHOPPING FILM FUN NIGHT 3.15 – 7.00pm
December 13th PTA PRESENT ROOM