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Primary School

Learning to bee the best that we can bee!

Stargazing Evening

The junior children and their parents were invited to spend an evening gazing at the stars, reading stories, going on a hunt and drinking yummy hot chocolate. The evening was a great success, although the clouds got in the way and no stars could be seen!
  • Pic 055.jpg

    The children go on a hunt in the dark.

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    The children go on a hunt in the dark.
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    We've found one!

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    We've found one!
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    Where is the next clue?

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    Where is the next clue?
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    Which way next?

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    Which way next?
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    Torches at the ready, lets go!

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    Torches at the ready, lets go!
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    Mrs Griffiths shows off her map of the stars.

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    Mrs Griffiths shows off her map of the stars.
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    It's fun being at school in the dark!

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    It's fun being at school in the dark!
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    Down a bit with that torch Dad!

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    Down a bit with that torch Dad!
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    Enjoying a book together.

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    Enjoying a book together.
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    This book tells us all about the stars.

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    This book tells us all about the stars.
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    We came prepared.

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    We came prepared.
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    Cosying up together, aah!

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    Cosying up together, aah!
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    I'll hold the torch, you read!

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    I'll hold the torch, you read!
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    Both children and parents enjoy the evening.

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    Both children and parents enjoy the evening.
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    Caught you!

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    Caught you!
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    Enjoying a book together.

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    Enjoying a book together.