Our Governors
Who are the Governors?
The Governors of Aldingbourne School are various people who have been appointed over the years to ensure that the children at Aldingbourne are given every opportunity to fulfill their potential. Some of us are parents of children at the school and some are not. We’re all different – and that’s the whole point, because we are all able to help the School in different ways due to our variety of experience. We all have our own reasons for joining the Governing Body, but we are united in our efforts to continue to develop and improve the school.
What do the Governors do?
Between us, we commit a great deal of time and energy to fulfilling our statutory responsibilities. We all sit on one of the key committees, the Finance and Staffing Committee, the Premises Committee or the Curriculum Committee. In addition we are all linked to a class and try to spend some time each year with the class. We are also linked to a curriculum subject area and make time each year to talk to the staff member that co-ordinates that subject so that we may keep informed of progress.
How can I contact a Governor?
At any time, if you need to contact a governor you can do this by emailing clerk@aldingbourne.w-sussex.sch.uk or you can contact the Chair of Governors directly.
The Chair of the Governors is: Jill Wilson
c/o Aldingbourne Primary School
The Clerk to the Governors is: Mrs Diane Johnson
c/o Aldingbourne Primary School