Colour and Shape
The Autumn Term is a time for settling in for our brand new reception class. The first half term focuses very much on building the children's confidence and familiarising them with school routines and new faces.
During this term we learn all about COLOURS. We start off by learning all about the colour red.
We focus on fire engines in particular, and even go on our very first school trip to the local fire station! We then go on to learn all about the colour blue through the Mick Inkpen story 'The Blue Balloon'. We finish off the term by learning about all the colours through the story of 'Elmer' the patchwork elephant.
Part of our maths work focuses on SHAPES. We learn how to recognise and identify both 2D and 3D shapes and talk about the features of different shapes.
The end of the Autumn Term brings with it the excitement of Christmas which we bring into the classroom through a mini topic on SANTA. The children also perform in their first Christmas production.